Keratin Complex, 30 capsules

from Orthonat
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This complex contains a complete keratin cocktail of natural origin, vitamins and rock salt which take part in the maintenance of a healthy hair.

Complex which supports the capillary growth

The hair is often the reflection of internal nutritional balance.
The food supplement “Complex Keratin” of ORTHONAT contains a complete cocktail vitality for the hair. Each of rock salt and each vitamin present in “Complex Keratin” take part in the maintenance of a healthy hair.
This formula is also beneficial for the breakable or fragile nails and the skin.


User opinion after 3 months at a rate of 2 capsules per day:
  • 100% finds that they lose less hair
  • 88% considers their hair are more resistant
  • 95% considers their hair more brilliant
(Ref: Placebo-controlled randomized trial aimed At evaluating the effect of Cynatine HNS plus® supplementation one hairs. Facoderm srl, Italy.).


It is recommended to take “Complex Keratin” for 3 months. the growth of the hair is not continuous but is related to the life cycle which can vary according to the individuals, the age and the seasons. Taking Keratine Complex during more a long period ensures an additional nutrition of the root of the hair.
As of 4 weeks the first results are already viewable. The situation improving with time and in order to maintain this influence favorable, it is advised to take Keratine Complex for at least 3 months.

  • The keratin, of natural and soluble origin, allows an optimal assimilation by the organization.
  • The ß-carotene plays a part in the process of specialization cellular, important episode in the capillary cycle.
  • The B2 vitamins, C and E contribute to protect the cells against the oxydative stress.
  • With the vitamin B9, the B6 vitamin helps with the regular metabolism of the homocystéine.
  • The B8 vitamin helps with the maintenance of healthy hair.
  • The B9 vitamin plays also a part in the process of division cellular, another important phase of the capillary cycle.
  • Zinc contributes amongst other things to cellular protection against the oxydative stress like with the maintenance of hair and healthy nails.
  • Zinc with iron also plays a part in the process of division cellular, important episode in the capillary cycle.
  • Thee iron intervenes in the transport of oxygen in the organization.
  • The copper contributes to the normal pigmentation of the hair. It also intervenes in the normal transport of iron and contributes to protect the cells against the oxydative stress.
Zinc takes part in the synthesis of proteins (including keratin).


Take 1 or 2 capusles par day


For 1 capsule: 250 Mg from keratin, 7 iron Mg (iron gluconate, 50% AJR), 5 zinc Mg (zinc gluconate, 50% AJR), 0.5 copper Mg (copper gluconate, 50% AJR), 2.4 beta-carotene Mg (50% AJR), 0.55 Mg of vitamin B1 (thiamin hydrochlorate, 50% AJR), 0.7 Mg of vitamin B2 (riboflavin, 50% AJR), 8 Mg from B3 vitamin (nicotinic acid, 50% AJR), 3 Mg of vitamin B5 (calcium D-pantothénate, 50% AJR), 0.7 Mg of vitamin B6 (pyridoxin hydrochlorate, 50% AJR), 25 µg from vitamin B8 (D-biotine, 50% AJR), 100 µg from B9 vitamin (folic acid, 50% AJR), 40 Mg of vitamin C (sodium L-ascorbate, 50% AJR), 6 Mg of vitamin E (hydrogénosuccinate of D-a-tocophéryle, 50% AJR), 236.5 Mg of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 100% inactivated. Agent of load: microcrystalline cellulose. Antiagglomerants: silica colloidal, magnesium stearate. Capsule: hypromellose (E464), red iron oxide - E172 (dye).
Gluten-free, neither lactose, nor soya.

Special precautions

  • Not to exceed the portion day recommended.
  • Does not replace a feeding varied and balanced like with a healthy lifestyle.
  • Conserve with room temperature, dryness and out of reach of young children, in his packing of origin.


Box of 30 capsules

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